Monday, April 23, 2012

Argumentive Paper

As I wrote previously, I will continue to do my argumentive paper on drug testing to receive welfare. It truly bothers me that people feel they do not need to take drug tests because it goes against their rights. Well in all honesty, if you knew you would pass you wouldn't have a problem with it! Why is it so hard for people to just follow the rules? There is nothing wrong with using the money if you need it for what it is supposed to be used for the proper purposes. Why would it posses someone to use money given to them for their children for drugs?! This is a question I will probably never know. I know for me (although I am not on welfare), I make sure I buy clothes, food and diapers for my son before I ever think of buying a pair of pants for myself. How could someone resort to buying drugs then? Maybe food for thought for anyone reading this

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