Monday, April 23, 2012

Road to Success

College. Such a dreadful thought for some, exciting for others. My college experience was set in stone. I was not going to pay four years to party my life away. I put myself in a situation to where I knew I would get the most out of college and would be successful. I finished my 2 year degree in 2 years. I will be graduating this year and am super proud of myself.I am very proud that I did not quit or take a few years off. Before starting college, I knew exactly what I wanted to go for, where I wanted to work, and how the field I got into was like. I choose RCTC because they are the only school in this area with the program I wanted. My sister had also attended RCTC for Dental Hygeine and Assisting and she loved it. I feel that is why I choose RCTC. I also know a bunch of other people who went to RCTC and loved it.

Argumentive Paper

As I wrote previously, I will continue to do my argumentive paper on drug testing to receive welfare. It truly bothers me that people feel they do not need to take drug tests because it goes against their rights. Well in all honesty, if you knew you would pass you wouldn't have a problem with it! Why is it so hard for people to just follow the rules? There is nothing wrong with using the money if you need it for what it is supposed to be used for the proper purposes. Why would it posses someone to use money given to them for their children for drugs?! This is a question I will probably never know. I know for me (although I am not on welfare), I make sure I buy clothes, food and diapers for my son before I ever think of buying a pair of pants for myself. How could someone resort to buying drugs then? Maybe food for thought for anyone reading this

"not for women"

Thinking about fallacies really made me laugh. I love the commercial for Dr. Pepper, "its not for women". Seriously? Do they honestly think that only men will drink this pop? I just find it funny how they narrowed down their audience to just men. I think they should come up with a new pop that is "just for women".
Another fallacy I find funny is the Mountain Dew commercials. The ones on the radio are so funny. The GPS is talking to him about how to drink his Dew, how he will see a gorgeous women next to him, and he will "arrive on the mountain". Really? I never see a hot guy while I am drinking a Dew. Generally I don't see anyone or have that reaction!
(probably not a fallacy) One that I think should be a fallacy is when someone hurts themself or whatever (maybe only in my neck of the woods) and the shout out " F***** A". Seriously? They always say the more vulger word and not worry about the other one? Really?

Drug Testing for Welfare

For my argumentive paper, I am choosing to write about a current issue with having people take and pass drug tests to receive welfare. I did a lot of research of how people think it is against their rights and what not, but I feel it is so unfare for people to be able to use that money to buy drugs and alcohol rather than buy food for their children! How is it that the state allows this stuff to happen!? It really bothers me that anyone would be against the drug testing. I would rather pay a few extra bucks every month to go towards the drug testing than go to bed at night knowing that the money for those kids is being used for drugs. I feel the only people who are against this are the ones who truly are abusing the system. The welfare system is there for people to use to get back on their feet. So many people are using it to live off of for years on end with no intention of getting a job at all. I also feel that with the drug testing, the state should be doing more thorough check ups on the families receiving welfare.

Sunday, April 1, 2012

The Glass Castle

While reading The Glass Castle, I was sucked in immediately. I was completely shocked by the events that brought her to where she is today. She truly is a strong woman in every way.
The ever so popular question someone will ask you about a book is, "well was it good or what?". Yes this is good book. Are you ever going to be able to put it down, no. So if you have a lot of free time, pick this book up! It really is worth your precious time to read it. She encounters so many things in her life that some people can not even compare to. No I have never fallen out of a moving car, but I have encountered something similar, but not near as bad! She really can say she has been "to hell and back". She has become such a role model for so many other kids in that kind of situation to overcome all of that. She has lived beyond statistics, not fallen into her parents ways of alcoholism and homelessness. She has actually made something of her self and has lived to tell her story. Not many people can actually say that.
Overall this is an amazing book. If you want an eye opener to see how bad other people have it, pick this book up!