Sunday, March 25, 2012


Finally, spring break! It is so nice to be able to kick back for a week and relax. I did get a lot of deep cleaning done in my house, tons of riding done, and of course working. I did get to spend every night with my son and husband. Who couldn't ask for a better break? It was nice to not have to worry about school for a little while.
I normally would have spent my Tuesday and Thursday in class from 8-12 then class at 1. But now that my 8-12 class is over, I get that whole morning to my self! I think I hear angels singing? I get to sleep in a little, then give my son breakfast, and take him to daycare since I have a contract I have to pay either way, so why not have a little Lori time. I was working out on Thursday and started to think to myself, I feel like I am from Jersery shore. I have been going to the gym, tanning then coming home to laundry and my other things I do. I then go out, put clothes on the line. Head out to the pasture and pull my all time favorite mare, Corona. Spend a little time on barrels. Then pull Ella out and do the same. Then come in, shower and head to school. If the weather is bad, I do my homework rather than do it at night after my son goes to sleep.
What can I say, its rough. Ha :)

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