Sunday, February 19, 2012


Well I guess it is somewhat true about people when you say, Fakebook. I am on facebook and everything I have on there is 100% true. I find it so funny when younger girls attempt to add me and all they have is a whole album of them doing the "kissy face". Just a face when you pucker your lips out and makes you look like a duck. Recently, it seems like facebook has become so trashy. Girls and guys everywhere posting half naked pictures of themselves all over their wall. I use facebook to connect with family and friends that live far away. True, your facebook should be your own personal thing, but when you post all these pictures for other people to see, its not so personal anymore.

Another thing on facebook that bothers me is how many of those accounts are fake, hense fakebook. So many people think its so funny to make a fake profile and start a bunch of drama. In my hometown, my babysitter was "dating" a boy in her class that no one wanted her to date. The other boys in her class that were friends with this boy created a fake profile, found a trashy picture of a girl and made it their profile picture, then made this little girl's life a living hell. They called her mean names all over her wall, and when she would delete it, they just made another one. They made it seem like this boy was with another girl and made her feel like dirt. I remember picking her up to babysit for us and she would be in tears telling me all the things these kids were doing. Trust me, it was very hard to NOT get involved. The best advice I could give her was to print it all off and take it to the cops.

One final thing that bothers me about facebook is the people who post 1,000 status updates a day! Seriously people, do you have nothing better to do? Granted I do post everyday, but I post 1 status update a day, maybe every other day. How do people have all this time to post everything they are doing, because if they have that much free time, they should come help me out! No one cares that you walked your dog at 9, showered at 10, went to lunch with all your lady friends at 12, took a 3 hour nap, getting ready to go out with your friends, finally meeting up with your friends, thinking about going to the bars, finally getting to the bars, taking 1,000 pictures and posting all of them, then reading your drunk posts that make no sense at all. Absolutely NONE of that made a difference to my day. Maybe those people should join twitter or make a blog!

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