Wednesday, January 25, 2012


"It is hard to fail, but it is worse never to have tried to succeed." Theodore Roosevelt

I find it so hard to believe someone when they say that can't do something. Have you ever sat down and actually thought about someone you haven't tried to do? Today I was at home sick with my son and I really took the time to think about what I haven't tried to do, but I would love to do someday. For christmas I bought my husband a new bow. Yes, a brand new Matthews bow, I am a very loving wife lets just say. The more I thought about it, I realized that maybe I should take up bow hunting. My husband told me he wants me to get into it so we have something, more than we already do, to do together. My first response was I will definatly not be good at that! Well the more I thought about it today, I think I should just give it a shot!
The other thing I thought about today was things I have already accomplished. I feel I am a great wife and a terrific mother, no I'm not self centered I just feel good about myself and I am proud of both of those things. I feel that at 19, almost 20, years old I have really accomplished a lot of things. I have been very successful with my horses in barrel racing, I have already started my family and life with my one and only, and I feel I have already decided what I want to do with my life. I feel that for 19 I have actually done a lot. I did all my partying and junk in high school and when I graduated I knew what I already wanted and knew that I had to make that happen one way or another. Not to say that I do not absolutely LOVE my life, but thats just what I wanted. Some 19 year olds want to go away to college and party, and more power to them really! I give someone credit to move away, I know I would have had a hard time with it!
All in all, trying to wrap this up because as I stated in my dicussion for this week I am beinging to ramble, that you need to get out there and do something! Don't just sit back day to day and think about the "what ifs" and what not, becuase they will definatly not get you anywhere but wondering, and that is a road that NOONE wants to go down. :)

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